DecSoft App Builder 2020.47 + Crack
조회 684 작성일 2020.01.07 09:46
Complete suite to create HTML5 and hybrid mobile applications.
Visual designer
App Builder provide us with dozens of visual and non visual controls we can simply drop it in the application's designer. Timers, HTTP Clients, Text Inputs, Push Buttons and many more controls ready to use.
Based in actions
You no need to know Javascript to create applications. App Builder scripting is based in visual assisted actions that we can use to do whatever we wanted. Hundreds of actions are available out of the box.
Fully extensible
App Builder's applications can be extended in many ways. We can use Javascript in addition to the action's based script. We can develop and use third party App Builder's Javascript plugins and also Apache Cordova™ plugins.
Whats New:
* Fix an introduced error in the previous release in the MediaSetVolume action. The error occur only if we use a MediaPlayer control in their Audio flavour and with their AutoPlay variable set to false (which is the default value).